“Half the World is Romantically Attracted to Ten-year-olds”
I published an article recently (here and here) about the global pedophile agenda and the movement to expand “children’s sexual rights” and lower the age of consent. A man calling himself Greg commented on the article. When I read his comment to my husband, he nearly choked on his tuna sandwich:
“The main goal of the movement is not for it to be easier for older people to have sex with teens; ease of access is not the purpose. The problem is way too many older people and young teens desire relationships with each other to just waste money penalizing all of them. The fact that a few antisocial people exist (probably less than 1% of people) is not a justification for restricting this freedom and liberty. Well over half of the world is romantically attracted to teens (I'm being very conservative with the numbers here as nearly everyone could be) from 10 to 18 and a big chunk of it are teens who want to date adults.
The reason you don't hear many young teens expressing interest in adults today is because they fear backlash as there is a lot of a negative stigma towards it. It wouldn't be right to punish tens of millions of adults and young teens who are genuinely and madly in love especially if they really click with each other on a deep level. Also, relationships between two people are complex, sex is an important component, and restricting it can overcomplicate things.”
So, to recap, Greg thinks:
The purpose behind lowering the age of consent and normalizing sex for kids is to give kids what they really want; lots of kids are longing to date and have sex with creepy older men. It’s not about giving older, nefarious people legal access to children’s bodies AT ALL
Half the world—or possibly the entire adult population of the earth—is romantically interested in “teens” ages 10-18
“Tens of millions of adults and young teens” are “madly in love” with each other as we speak
Prohibiting adults and children from dating and having sex with each other unduly restricts people’s “freedom” and “liberty”
I hate to break Greg’s bubble, but the cute 10-year-olds of the world who are out jumping on trampolines and brushing their My Little Ponies’ hair are not crushing on him or his band of arachnoid friends. He may be spinning indulgent sexual fantasies in his mind about how desirable he is to the junior high schoolers of the world, but it just isn’t so. Yes, sometimes a tween-ager thinks she’s in love with her science teacher, but that’s exactly why we have laws about these things. It would be wrong of said teacher to have sex with said lovestruck girl even if she thought it was “consensual,” because it’s not. Children cannot, with full and rational understanding, consent to sex.
This man’s comment brilliantly demonstrates the main point of my original article: People who want to have sex with children have learned to frame the issue in terms of children’s rights. They don’t (usually) go around chanting that adults have a right to sexualize kids (except when they do, see here) but rather that the poor children—“fearing backlash” and “negative stigma”—are being “punished” by having their sexual appetites and freedoms crushed.
So far, there hasn’t been much pushback on this man’s comment that calmly and publicly peddles pedophilia. But pushing back on this man’s views, and growing numbers of people like him, is critical.
In fact, it would not be “overcomplicating things” or “wasting money” to spend our last dimes and last breaths ensuring that our laws uphold the sexual protection of children, not promoting their supposed sexual rights.
Remember, the world is always saved one family at a time, so here are some THINGS YOU CAN DO to help fortify your family against the pedophile agenda:
Teach your children that if anyone ever says not to tell your parents about something, that’s when you should immediately tell your parents.
Talk about the specialness of our bodies and how other people should not touch our bodies in certain ways.
In age-appropriate ways (gently and generally at first) make sure your children know what sex is and what it’s for (to create life, express love, bring married couples joy, and help keep families together).
Oppose all efforts to lower age of sexual and medical consent laws.
Respond rationally and firmly to people and organizations advocating for the “right” of children to consent to sex.
Don’t let pedophilia advance a single inch on your watch.
Now, go joyfully save your family :)